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7 even students from as far away as Missouri.
The goal of this work- shop was to illuminate the Coast Guard phase of the Lighthouse site. In order to study the site, participants excavated a trash pit used during this phase, and attended afternoon workshops and evening lectures featuring local archaeologists, such as Palm Beach County Archaeologist Chris Davenport, FPAN Northeast and East Central Director Sarah Miller, BLM section archaeologist John Sullivan, Lynn University assistant professor Dr. April Watson, FAU professor Dr. Arlene Fradkin, and Bob Carr of the Archaeological and Historical Conservancy, in ad- dition to many others. Exploring FPAN Regions The Southwest Region hosted 12 different events for Florida Archaeology Month, including presenting talks at Mound House and partnering with groups like Everglades National Park and the Ah-Tah-Thi-Ki Seminole Museum for archaeology days throughout the month. Additionally, Rachael Kangas worked with the Charlotte Harbor Aquatic Preserves to docu- ment sites impacted by Hurricane Irma. Children’s Programming During Florida Archaeology Month staff from the North Central Re- gion visited the Legislative Day Care to conduct a youth program with legislators’ children who trav- el to Tallahassee for the legisla- tive session. This program was conducted in partnership with the Florida Historic Capitol Mu- seum. Each child learned about prehistoric ceramics, made a craft, and took a Florida Ar- chaeology Month poster home with them. Annual Report 2017/18 Participants in the 2018 Archaeology Bootcamp in Jupiter, Florida.