VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES. Post-hurricane Assessments In the wake of Hurricane Irma, the Southwest Region made two trips to Calusa Island, a site located in Collier County, five days apart, and saw noticeable differences in the midden, with sections of the midden undercut after the storm and some areas washing out. To enhance and improve on previ- ous monitoring, Cindy Bear of the Randell Research Center and FPAN staff are conducting follow- up assessments to document erosion of the midden, following protocol established by Dr. Karen Walker of the University of Florida. Volunteer Archaeology Labs The Weedon Island Volunteer Lab continues to be a successful and important outreach program for the public in the West Central Region. In addition to providing assistance to USF St. Petersburg researchers by rough sorting col- lections from the Weedon Island archaeological site, the volunteer lab has connected 104 volunteers to Florida archaeology resulting in a total of 204 hours of service. During most weeks each year, the Northwest Region oversees operation of the FPAN Coordinat- ing Center’s Public Archaeology Lab. Volunteers have the oppor- tunity to work for two days each week, rough sorting archaeologi- cal material excavated by UWF during terrestrial excavations. The Public Archaeology Lab not only helps members of the public bet- ter understand the archaeological process and the material culture of Pensacola, it also provides a unique opportunity for public ser- vice. During 2017/18, the lab saw 115 different volunteers who pro- vided over 1,300 hours of service. Bringing New Skills to FPAN The East Central Region’s 3D Lab benefitted from volunteer as- sistance to complete substantial projects throughout the year. Vol- unteers assisted in collecting data, digitizing 3D models, post-pro- cessing models, and 3D printing. The current project involves creat- Engaging the public through volunteering creates new heritage stewards throughout Florida. Volunteers rough sort archaeological collections from UWF in the Coordinating Center’s Public Archaeology Lab.