How many users accessed the FPAN website during the 2017/2018 year? Annual Report 2016/17 The Florida Public Archaeology Network website continues to be one of most important tools for reaching audiences and engaging them with more in- formation about Florida history and archaeology. As website analytics continue to improve, FPAN learns more about these audiences and how to provide them with a better, more effective digital presence. In general, traffic to the FPAN website and its various pages increases each year. While the “Workshops” and “Projects” pages are well-visited, the high number of visits to the “HMS Florida” and “Tid- ally United” pages is indicitive of the hard work of FPAN staff to promote the HMS Florida program around the state. FPAN also continues to see sev- eral trends in how and when users are visiting our website. A little more than one-quarter of visits are from mobile devices (i.e., cellphones and tablets), while most users still tend to access the website via desktop computers. DIGITAL INSIGHTS. FPAN has a broad digital presence that engages visitors and encourages them to discover ways they can get involved with local history and archaeology. USERS 28K ↑236.5% SESSIONS 39K ↑206.5%