27 Journal of Nautical Archaeology, 47:1, 2018. She was also se- lected to run as Board Member for the Society for Historical Archaeology. Public Archaeology Assistant Brianna Patterson ended her three-year tenure with the Northwest Region. New Public Archaeology Assistant Rachel Hines joined the Northwest Region for the next three years as a graduate student at the University of West Florida. NORTH CENTRAL REGION Barbara Clark continues to work towards her Master of Sci- ence in Administration at UWF. She also continues to serve as Secretary to the Tallahassee Trust for Historic Preserva- tion. Barbara Clark and Tristan Harrenstein attended two webi- nars: one on repairing, cleaning, and maintaining historic cemetery ironworks by the National Park Service’s National Center for Preservation Technology and Training, and an- other on interpretation presented by Sam Ham and hosted by the National Association for Interpretation. NORTHEAST REGION Sarah Miller participated in the “Learning from Loss” proj- ect in Scotland with William Lees. The project gathered researchers from across the U.S. and Scotland to consider issues of climate change as they relate to heritage preserva- tion and public education. EAST CENTRAL REGION Kevin Gidusko resigned his position as East Central Public Archaeology Coordinator. The East Central Region wel- comed Emily “Emma” Dietrich as his replacement in June 2017. CENTRAL REGION Nigel Rudolph was elected to the Board of the Florida An- thropological Society. WEST CENTRAL REGION Jeff Moates co-chaired the 2018 FAS Annual Meeting and Conference in St. Petersburg, Florida. Rebecca O’Sullivan was re-elected Second Vice President to the Board of the Florida Anthropological Society. SOUTHEAST REGION In August 2017, the Southeast Region hosted the Tidally United Conference, which was co-hosted by the Seminole Tribe of Florida and the Ah-Tah-Thi-Ki Museum. The confer- ence was held at the Native Learning Center in Hollywood, Florida. The conference was a joint effort between FPAN, the Ah-Tah-Thi-Ki, and FIU’s Global Indigenous Forum. SOUTHWEST REGION Rachael Kangas became an AAUS accredited diver, allow- ing her to partner on scientific dives with groups like the Division of Historical Resources Bureau of Archaeological Research, NOAA, and NPS. Sara Ayers-Rigsby led a round table luncheon focused on sea level rise and heritage at the Society for Historical Archaeology (SHA) annual conference. Rachael Kangas and Sara Ayers-Rigsby presented papers at the Society for His- torical Archaeology conference in New Orleans, Louisiana, as well as at the Society for American Archaeology (SAA) in Washington, D.C. Annual Report 2017/18