nd ASSISTANCE TO FLORIDA DIVISION OF HISTORICAL RESOURCES. Shipwreck Recording The Northeast Region worked closely with the St. Augustine Lighthouse Archaeological Mari- time Program, at the request of the Bureau of Archaeologi- cal Research (BAR), to record a shipwreck in Ponte Vedra Beach. Staff aided with crowd control and media coverage, as the site drew thousands of visitors, and with ba- sic documentation and sampling. Additionally, staff was able to cre- ate a 3D model using photogram- metry to share with the public online and on social media. Heritage Awarness Diving Seminar (HADS) FPAN staff from the Coordinating Center, Northwest, and Southeast Regions traveled to the Florida Keys in June 2018 to conduct two HADS programs in partnership with BAR and the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. Con- ducted at the Key West Art and Historical Society and at the His- tory of Diving Museum in Islamor- ada, Florida, FPAN trained SCUBA instructors and educators on how to integrate submerged cultural resources protection messages into their training programs. Little Salt Spring Conference In February 2017, the Southeast Region partnered with the West Central Region and the University of Miami (UM) for a conference dedicated to one of Florida’s most inspiring archaeological sites, Little Salt Spring, which dates to over 10,000 years ago. Experts including Dr. Jessi Halligan from Florida State University, Dr. Jason O’Donoghue from the Florida Division of Historical Resources and Dr. Mike Waters of Texas A&M University spoke about the critical role of Florida’s archaeological springs sites in illuminating the stories of North America’s earliest occupation at this event generous- ly hosted by UM and put together by Dr. Traci Ardren. Archaeological Resource Management (ARM) Training The Archaeological Resource Management training program, developed by BAR, is an ongoing requirement for State of Florida land managers. West Central and Central Region staff assisted State FPAN and the Florida Division of Historical Resources (DHR) work closely in mutual support of ongoing programs and publications. Central Region staff work with DHR to assist with site visits in areas under threat.