archaeologists at various ARM trainings throughout the state and facilitated the integration of FPAN’s HMS Florida program into portions of the training. Site Visits and Evaluations In August 2017, Southwest Region staff and volunteers joined Melissa Price, Senior Archaeologist for BAR, to evaluate a historical site in Delnor-Wiggins Pass State Park. DHR is responsible for preserving and promoting Florida’s historical, archaeological, and folk cultural resources. Part of this mission in- volves assessing and re-evaluating sites documented on public lands. The survey involved using a metal detector and gradiometer in an attempt to relocate the site. Storm events and reports of loot- ing led Central Region staff to respond to multiple site check requests in the Big Bend region from State archaeologists. Many of these requests were performed under guidelines provided by Florida Statute 872, Florida’s Unmarked Human Remains law. FPAN’s ability to respond rapidly, sometimes the very next day, to instances of exposed archaeologi- cal remains allows BAR staff to have timely information needed for their decision-making process. Top: Southeast and Southwest Region staff assess Pompano Mound. Bottom: Speakers during a panel at the Little Salt Spring Conference. 21 Annual Report 2017/18