FLORIDA ARCHAEOLOGY MONTH. Each year, FPAN celebrates Florida Archaeology Month (FAM) to help residents and visitors discover Florida’s amazing archaeological resources. Supporting Lifelong Learning Since 2014, the East Central Region has collaborated with Indian River State Community College’s (IRSC) Fielded Institute for Lifelong Learning Program. The partnership is beneficial to both IRSC, who need Peer Leaders for adult education classes, and FPAN to develop sustainable outreach in remote areas such as Okeechobee, Indian River, and Saint Lucie Counties. This year, Kevin Gidusko presented the first two sessions on “Paleoindian Florida” and “Fantas- tic Archaeology: Florida Frauds, Myths, and Mysteries,” then Sarah Miller wrapped up the series dur- ing Florida Archaeology Month with “Irish Diaspora in Florida’s Colonial Era” and “Grit Tempered: Women in Florida Archaeology” to correspond with St. Patrick’s Day and Women’s History month. FAM Promotional Materials and Website West Central Region staff devel- oped the Florida Archaeology Month graphics and materials to accompany the FAM 2018 “Heritage at Risk” theme. Staff approached the USF Libraries’ Digital Heritage and Humanities Collection, directed by Drs. Lori Collins and Travis Doering, to utilize their 3D digital model of Castillo de San Marcos, located in St. Augustine, as the visual focus of the FAM poster. The Castillo is an important Florida heritage icon unfortunately situated in the crosshairs of impacts from climate change and sea level rise. Additionally, Northwest Region oversaw the development of an entirely new FAM website that is intended to be user-friendly and more visually appealing. The new website still features upcoming events for the current year and more information about FAM partners, but also includes an in- teractive map of Florida. This map showcases sites featured during each year’s FAM theme, as well as archives information from previ- ous years. Archaeology Bootcamp In March 2018, the Southeast Region, in partnership with the Bureau of Land Management, with support from host institu- tion Florida Atlantic University, Lynn University, and the Jupiter Lighthouse and Museum, hosted a three-day intensive archaeol- ogy workshop for archaeology students. The program attracted students from across Florida and Top: The 2018 Florida Archaeology Month Poster. Bottom: DARC and the Northwest Region kicked off FAM with an ArchaeoCafe featuring UWF’s Dr. Raime Gougeon.