Kids learn about Pinellas County’s prehistoric past at the Weedon Island Preserve.

Pinellas County is home to a variety of interesting locations that convey the county’s rich heritage. In addition to its geographic location directly along the Gulf of Mexico, Pinellas contains the Weedon Island Preserve which promotes an array of educational opportunities as well as housing an excellent museum.

Government Offices


The goal of Weedon Island Preserve is to effectively coordinate the management of the site’s ecological and cultural resources using methods that promote public education and encourage compatible recreational activities. In other words, show the public just how hot it was when the Weedons and their predecessors lived out there on the sandy, mangrove-laden shorelines of Tampa Bay! This is a first-class site for recreation and education. Learn about native Florida, the changes it has seen, and how we can relive prehistoric and historic times through active and salient scientific investigation. A must visit!


Florida Public Archaeology Network