FPAN can help facilitate speakers for meetings of your civic group, community organization, youth club, or heritage society, and for lecture series and special events.

Most presentations last about 30-45 minutes with additional time for questions, although programs usually can be tailored for your needs. Specific topics are dependent on speaker availability, so book early! There is no charge for presentations, although donations are gratefully accepted to support FPAN educational programs.

Presentation topics are divided into two sections:

Take a look at our offerings, then submit the form below and let us know what you’d like to learn about! If you don’t see what you’re looking for, ask us and we’ll do our best to accommodate you.

Know what you want?
Submit a Speaker Request Form

General Presentation Topics

Florida’s Prehistoric Technology

Today when we think of technology we think of cell phones and computers, but what technology did Native Americans in Florida use to survive? This presentation discusses just that! We even have some replica tools that students can hold and touch to get a real feel for how these tools would have been used!

Introduction to Archaeology for Kids

This presentation focuses on the basics of archaeology, including what archaeologists do and how they do it in such a way that it is easily understandable. This presentation can be tailored so that it suits younger and older students, and it can be combined with a hands-on activity as well.

Learning about Florida Prehistory

This presentation teaches the audience about the different culture periods in Florida’s Prehistory, from Paleoindian times through the Historic Period. This presentation uses basic terms and is easy to understand. It is a fun presentation that is appropriate for both children and adults.

Historic Cemeteries as Cultural Resources

This presentation provides information on how historic cemeteries can be used in research and what information they can provide. It also touches on the basics of how to properly clean and maintain historic cemeteries. It also touches on some of the meanings of common symbols that you find in historic cemeteries. The presentation also provides resources for locating professional curators and conservators to assist with historic cemetery restoration.

Economic Impacts of Historic Preservation and Heritage Tourism

Heritage tourism is one of the fastest growing segments of the tourism industry. This presentation discusses the economic, as well as other benefits of historic preservation and heritage tourism. Great for groups considering heritage tourism projects.

Digging through the China Cabinet: An Archaeological Perspective on Ceramics

This lecture discusses the different type of historic ceramics commonly found throughout Florida at historic archaeological sites. It also discusses the manufacturing techniques used to create the various vessels commonly associated with each type.

Spanish Florida

A brief overview of the Spanish in Florida, including the Spanish Missions, focusing on Mission San Luis and the Apalachee. The presentation ends with a discussion on how the Spanish have had a lasting influence on Florida’s heritage. This presentation can be altered to cater to any age group (adult or children).

Introduction to Underwater Archaeology

This presentation discusses the differences and similarities between terrestrial and underwater archaeology. It provides a good basic understanding of how archaeologists conduct underwater excavations. It also touches on the unique preservation issues relating to objects that archaeologist find at submerged archaeological sites.

Native People, Native Plants

This presentation discusses how plants have been used as medicine and food in Florida by prehistoric people and early settlers in Florida. This presentation was developed for Florida Archaeology Month 2011, but continues to be relevant and of interest to the public.

The Turpentine Industry in North Florida

This presentation discusses the turpentine and naval store industry in Florida and the impacts it had on the economy, industry and the state’s history. This presentation is geared towards adults and can be modified to reflect the local history of any region in Florida.

“Dear Friends at Home”: Becoming Acquainted with a Civil War Soldier through His Letters Home

Melvan Tibbetts was a Union soldier occupying Pensacola for a portion of the Civil War. We are very lucky to have the 20 letters that he wrote home to his family in Maine. These letters supply a wealth of information about West Florida during the Civil War, but they also provide a strong sense of familiarity with Melvan himself. This presentation demonstrates how much of an author's personality is contained in historical documents and how this results in a more personal understanding of the past for the reader.

Falling Soldiers

This presentation looks at the current debate surrounding the removal or retention of Confederate monuments. The goal is to encourage productive discussion of the issue and to help communities make informed decisions regarding their monuments. We are not providing answers, only valuable information. This presentation is appropriate for all opinions on the matter.

Passing Through History: The Tales that Turds Tell

Many think that archaeology is about finding arrowheads and bottles. Artifacts. Things. Actually though, archaeology is all about discovering the untold stories of our past and these things are merely a tool to help us reveal that past. While these artifacts may be pretty, sometimes the ugliest and most disgusting ones tell us the best stories. Join us to learn how ancient feces can produce amazing nuggets of truth about our past! This presentation is most appropriate for teens and adults, but is family-friendly.

Presentation Topics for Museums

Making it Stick: Taking the Guesswork Out of Interpretation Design

Too often creating an interpretation, be that a tour, presentation, or exhibit, feels like that old method of testing if the pasta is ready or not. We throw a bunch of interesting facts at our audience hoping they stick. Most of it does not, but almost as bad, when something does stick we have no idea why. This presentation will provide you with the tools to take most of the guesswork out of the process.

Do No Harm

We love the past. It is a fascinating world that always has something more to teach us. That’s not to say that the past was always very nice, however, as it was full of injustices and cruelties that we hope never to see again. Unfortunately, sometimes these insidious evils creep into our interpretations and we pass them on without us realizing it. At the best, it blows up in our face and makes people upset, forcing us to confront the problem. At the worst, it lies dormant spreading its poison into our world today.

Though not always comfortable, this goal of this program is not to make anyone feel guilty. It merely covers some methods and techniques we can use to ensure that our programs are meeting their full potential, and at the very least, doing no harm.

Disasters and Museum Preparedness (DaMP) Workshop

From a leaky roof to a hurricane, disasters big and small can strike at any time and can do a horrendous amount of damage to irreplaceable artifacts. While we cannot redirect a storm, there are steps now that can minimize or even eliminate the damage it does. This workshop highlights some of the easiest yet most useful steps you can take now to ensure you are as ready as possible in the event of an emergency of any size.

Disasters and Museum Preparedness (DaMP) Workshop - Hurricane Edition

This is a shorter, more focused version of DaMP that talks you though some quick and easy steps you can take now to get you through the hurricane season. However, this does not replace the workshop and will still leave you vulnerable to more common disasters. Be sure to follow this up with the full DaMP workshop when you get a chance!

Florida Public Archaeology Network