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The Cemetery Resource Protection Training workshop focuses on cemetery care and protection. Participants explore cemeteries as historical resources while learning about laws that protect them, conserving headstone and markers, managing cemetery landscapes, and practicing hands-on headstone cleaning with a D-2 solution. By the end of the course, participants are well-versed in issues surrounding basic protection of historic cemeteries and are encouraged to fill out at least one Florida Master Site File to record a historic cemetery over the next year.

The classroom session includes a series of short discussions on:

  • Cemeteries as cultural resources
  • Managing historic cemeteries
  • Laws that protect marked and unmarked burials
  • Recording historic cemeteries for the Florida Master Site File
  • And more…

The in-field training includes:

  • A site tour
  • Cemetery landscape and headstone documentation activities
  • Cleaning headstones with D2 biological solution

Contact your regional Public Archaeology Coordinator for more information
or to schedule a workshop at your local historic cemetery!

CRPT trainees

2014 1st Annual CRPT Conference at Evergreen Cemetery, Gainesville

Join the CRPT Alliance group on Facebook for the latest news on upcoming CRPT events.

Division of Anthropology and Archaeology