Tidally United Summit

Tidally United Summit 2021

August 20-21, 2021

The fifth Tidally United Summit is dedicated to celebrating collaborations made to date with land managers, local community members, and archaeologists/preservationists in approaching heritage at risk in Florida. Much has changed since the first Tidally United Summit in 2016, but the fact remains that 16,015 cultural sites will potentially be inundated by a 3-foot rise in sea level, and some are already lost. The first half of the Summit will showcase partnerships between Florida Public Archaeology Network staff and the land managers they have closely worked with over the two years for a Florida Department of State Special Category Grant to fund more in-depth study using the Heritage Monitoring Scout Program. During the second half of the Summit, we are inviting papers that intersect with community-based archaeology and heritage at risk case studies in Florida and beyond.

Preliminary Program

Summit Registration

2021 Summit Hosts:

Florida Public Archaeology Network and Flagler College

Learn More about HMS Florida

Division of Anthropology and Archaeology