Appendix A

Real Cédula of the 27th of July, 1700, AGN Reales Cédulas Originales Expediente 96
ff. 220-222v

The changes that have been made to the measures sent by the Señor Viceroy of New Spain for 2 ships that are being built in Campeche for the Windward Fleet are the following:

According to the specifications (reglas) currently used in Spain and Europe for vessels of war, the measures referred to above are excessive by two and a half cubits in the floor of the hold (plan) and in the distance from the floor of the hold to the main deck where the beam runs from port to starboard (y en el Puntal lo que arqueará el vao). Further, (there is an excess of) two cubits in the balance frame of the prow (redel de proa) and three [cubits] for that of the poop. The dead rising (astilla muerta) is 4 inches short. The tumbling home or housing of the gunwale at the gangway (el recogimiento de la borda en el portaló) ought not to have more than four and a fourth cubits. However since the master who has given these measures, has specified this type of construction, it shall be considered that doubtless they are the ones that are most appropriate for the seas of America according to the greater or lesser depths of the water that the entrances and departure points of those ports have. However, notwithstanding what has been referred to and having to carry on with the stated construction, it is found appropriate that in those (ships) that are built in the future, it be reformed by a cubit that ought to be taken from the balance frame of the prow (redel de proa), from the distance from the floor of the hold to the main deck, all that the port to starboard beam has of arch en el (puntal todo lo que tiene de arqueo el bao) and in the tumbling home or housing of the gunwale, three-fourths cubits which is all as much as is offered. Madrid 10th of July of 1700?

27th of July of 1700
The King

Don Joseph Sarmiento de Balladares, kinsman, Viceroy, Governor and Captain General of the Provinces of New Spain and President of the Audiencia of Mexico: In a letter of the 7th of April of the just past year, you refer to the fact that recognizing the shortage of vessels that the Windward Fleet is experiencing, you decided to have 2 frigate-like ships of war built (se fabricasen dos naos de guerra afragatadas). One is of 55 cubits of keel length for a Capitana and the other of 45 for a Patache . And that having published this in Campeche, Luis Çenteno, senior master builder made a bid, obligating himself for these two ships under various conditions. These were examined in a Junta General which you held for this purpose, [composed] of persons who were experienced in the matter and with the opinion of the Fiscal of that Audiencia, you made to arrange the contract for the stated construction at 100,000 pesos as shall be evident from the testimony that you sent. This was reviewed in my Junta of War of the Indies along with what my Fiscal said. I have [therefore] decided to give you [as I am doing] very special thanks for what your zeal has done as concerns attaining the construction of these two vessels with the greatest economy to my Royal Estate. Further, as regards their measurements which you sent me, the corrections to them are to be found in the attached paper as you can see. It has appeared [appropriate] to send this to you with the purpose that you make them known to the master craftsmen so that if they appear to be legitimate and proper to them, they can undertake the constructions in the future with the correction that it expresses, if they do not find anything inappropriate in it. Further as concerns the receipt of this dispatch and of what you do by virtue of it, you shall advise me as well as when their construction is completed. Further, once this is done, they must be of the excellence and security that is required. I entrust you to continue in these constructions, because of how much it means, as you are aware, that the Windward Fleet is found with the greatest number of ships that are possible so that those Provinces may be defended, which so greatly need armed naval fleets. From Madrid on the 27th of July of 1700. I the King

By order of the King our Lord
Manuel de Aperregui

3 rubrics

To the Viceroy of New Spain giving him thanks for what he has done as concerns the construction of 2 ships for the Windward Fleet and sending him the paper that is expressed.

Mexico 16th of March of 1701

Seen and obeyed: For compliance with this, a dispatch shall be issued inserting the measurements of the Senior Master Craftsman Luis Zenteno and the paper attached of the corrections that were made to them so that in view of everything, the Sergeant General of Battle, don Andrés de Arriola with the master carpenters of the Fleet and the rest that shall be found in Veracruz who are knowledgeable in the works of the construction of vessels, can examine with special care, what is informed in this Royal Cédula, reporting with distinction and clarity, everything that is offered to them on the proposed corrections, with the greatest speed because of what it means to the King's service, returning the original to my Secretary of the Chamber.
Don Joseph Sarmiento [rubric]
By order of the Count, my Lord
Don Joseph de Bustos [rubric]


1 A cubit here is assumed to be a codo de ribera, which is 23.37 inches or .5936 meters.
2 Elliptical line drawn on the sheer plan to determine the sweep of the floorheads throughout the ship's length
3 Meaning unclear. "Arqueo" could also mean hold capacity. It could be measuring to the center of the arc of the beam.
4 Usually the second largest ship in a fleet.
5 Also sometimes known as an advice-boat. It was usually one of the smallest in a fleet and used for messenger or mail service at times.